ARTFACE (2016)
A collaboration with Zach Rispoli
ARTFACE (2016) was an interactive photo booth installation built for REMIX! at the Carnegie Museum of Art in Pittsburgh on March 3rd, 2016. Event guests were invited to explore the art in the permanent collection of the museum with a list of works to choose from, with the intention of making a photo collage composed of themselves in the works of their choosing. After stepping infront of a green screen, a real time custom digital collage portrait was displayed on a monitor infront each subject. Custom software (made possible by Kyle McDonald's openCV face substitution) replaced the green background with a painting of each subject's choosing, and then tracked and swapped the their face with a head of their choosing, in real time. Heads included 3D models made of sculptures in the museum, as well as 2D faces from paintings. Final collages were printed on 3x5 photo paper, and guests were able to pick up their unique image at the conclusion of the event.